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First Come - First Serve
Operation Amber: Help The Homeless was created from a chance encounter with a homeless person who seemed more 'up-beat' than most even as her feet suffered from the cold, witnessing further displacement from authorities, realizing the homeless are true survivors. Underneath a blanket, barely shielding her from the cold, she said in a soft tone ‘Hi, my name is Amber.’
“Even with a smaller total population, Edmonton has more homeless people than Calgary.” Reddit
Our electrical grid and economy are at a critical point. If there is a collapse than the homeless today has a head start for tomorrow. Least and few in between is an alliance created between the people of Edmonton - for tomorrow.
Housing, nurture and career building are our main focal points. Food & Necessities are our Weekly initiatives. People donate to Operation Amber: Help The Homeless Gofund me page, receive their choice of digital product plus discounts from our sponsors. Donations $20 + will Receive a FREE Teamwork Permanent Stick Label with Your Logo printed on it!
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